ㅤ10 Do's and Don'ts to Win Over the In-Laws - First Meeting Survival Guide!ㅤ

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Getting Ready for the Parental Units: The Do's and Oh-No's

Meeting your partner's parents for the first time can feel like a delicate operation, but fear not! We've got the insider tips to ensure you're a smashing success or at least not a total disaster.

10 Do's:

  • Bring a small gift. Wine? Cookies? A goat? You decide.
  • Dress smartly. No pajamas, even if they're your 'fancy' ones.
  • Mind your manners. Yes, chew with your mouth closed.
  • Call them Mr. or Mrs., unless given permission otherwise. You’re not on a first-name basis yet, kiddo.
  • Engage in conversation. But maybe save the conspiracy theories for round two.
  • Compliment their home, but don't overdo it. "Did you hire an interior designer?!" once is enough.
  • Offer to help with dishes. It's really a stealthy move to gain brownie points.
  • Be yourself, unless your self has questionable habits.
  • Smile and maintain eye contact. Channel your inner friendly puppy.
  • Remember to breathe. This is not a game show, nobody is getting voted off.

10 Don'ts:

  • Don't argue or bring up politics unless you want Thanksgiving-level arguments in July.
  • Avoid discussing past relationships. They don’t need your dating history.
  • Don’t fib or exaggerate. Being an astronaut sounds cool, but it might backfire.
  • Don't fixate on your phone. Unless you want to bond over memes—then proceed cautiously.
  • Avoid overly strong language. Keep it PG-13, sailor.
  • Don't make yourself too comfortable. No couch naps or raiding the fridge.
  • Don't shy away from a bit of self-deprecating humor. Unless you take it too far, then dial it back.
  • Don’t make the evening about you. It's not the 'Show About You'!
  • Avoid comparing them to your parents. "Well, my mom always..." is a no-go.
  • Don’t forget to say thank you on your way out. You want to be invited back someday, don't you?

If you follow these tips, you just might make it out unscathed and perhaps even in their good graces!

Want the full lowdown? Check it out here.

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